March 2024 (VOL.197)
Ochiru 落ちる
Ochiru means “drop” or “fall”

drop | drop(polite) | dropped | dropped (polite) | is dropping | was dropping | have dropped | might drop | want to drop | Don’t drop! | Please drop | |
positive | Ochiru | Ochi masu | Ochita | Ochi mashita | Ochite iru | Ochite ita | Ochita koto ga aru | Ochiru kamo shirenai | Ochitai | – | Ochite kudasai |
negative | Ochinai | Ochi masen | Ochina katta | Ochi masen deshita | Ochite inai | Ochite inakatta | Ochita koto ga nai | – | Ochi takunai | Ochinaide! | Ochinaide kudasai |

Yoru ni hi ga ochiru.
The sun goes down in the night.

Shiken ni ochi takunai.
I don’t want to fail the test.

Kaminari ga ochi mashita.
A lightning struck.

Koi ni ochita.
I fell in love.

Ki kara ochita koto ga aru.
I have fallen from a tree.

Fuku ni tsuita shimi ga ochinai.
Stains on clothes won’t come off.