Join NAMIWalks and Support Mental Health Awareness!

The Los Angeles branch of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is organizing NAMIWalks, an event aimed at supporting individuals dealing with mental health conditions.

The theme of the event is “Mental Health for ALL,” emphasizing inclusivity and awareness, creating truly an enjoyable event for all.

NAMIWalks invites participants to join a 3km walk at the Los Angeles State Historic Park. This fun event will also have food trucks and music for you. Don’t miss your chance to show your support on May 4th (Saturday) from 10 AM to 1 PM.

Participation is free, and everyone is welcome to join this important cause.

Location: Los Angeles State Historic Park(Near Chinatown)
1279 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

For registration and more information, contact:
Email: [email protected] (Takako Agustsson)
Phone: 310-882-0333