SAMURAI Legends: A Samurai Spirit Lives On / Hideo Naito

1926 – 2023


Hideo Naito


Hideo Naito 内藤秀雄
Born on July 1, 1926, in Hyogo Prefecture.
Chairman of SBD Group Inc.

Shunichi Naito 内藤俊一
Born on January 1, 1948, in Osaka Prefecture.
President and CEO of SBD Group Inc.

SBD Group Inc.
Established in 1975, headquartered in California.
Specializes in the ownership and management of office buildings, shopping

In December 2023, Hideo Naito, a well-respected figure in the Southern California real estate industry known for his leadership and integrity, passed away. However, many people are still unaware of his passing. In this interview, his son, Shunichi Naito, shares his father’s story, hoping to let people know about Hideo’s remarkable life and legacy. (Interview conducted on October 10, 2024)

“My father was a man who loved his family deeply throughout his life. He adored my mother, and she adored him. They argued often, but there was always a strong bond between them. No matter what happened at home, they never spoke ill of each other in public. When my mother passed away, my father followed less than a year later, in December 2023. When she died, it felt as if half of him had already left this world. I still vividly remember when he softly muttered, ‘Shun, I feel so sad.’ In the later years of his life, I had the privilege of working alongside him. It was an incredible experience, and I learned so much. I know he has had a profound influence on me.”

Hideo Naito was born on July 1, 1926, in Tajima City, located in the northern part of Hyogo Prefecture. He was the youngest of five children, with three older brothers and one older sister.

His family was once well-off and invested in education, but their lives took a dramatic turn when Hideo’s father’s business failed. The family was forced to separate, and Hideo was sent to live with his aunt, who had married into a temple family.

Life at the temple was harsh. The mornings began early with cleaning, followed by an endless list of temple duties. However, the hardest part was not the labor—it was the constant hunger. The war and the times had taken their toll, and Hideo often suffered from severe starvation.

One day, he could endure it no longer. Hideo ran away from the temple, making his way to Himeji, where his older brother, Mitsuo, lived. Years later, he would reflect on that time, saying: “I owe him so much.”

Young Hideo Naito

Hideo Naito during training to become a Kamikaze pilot

At the age of 15, Hideo Naito witnessed Japan’s entry into the Pacific War. By the time he turned 19, the war had come to an end. His son, Shunichi, recalls: “I don’t know where or how my father gained his knowledge, even during the war. But he was undoubtedly well-educated. He had a solid intellectual foundation.”

Hideo had a remarkable ability to adapt. Immediately after the war, he made a clear decision: “We lost, and the war is over. America is no longer our enemy. Let’s make peace and learn from them. We must take in what America has to offer.”

He actively befriended the American soldiers stationed in Japan and engaged with them without hesitation. “My father was never afraid to speak English or immerse himself in American culture,” says Shunichi. “To this day, I have no idea how or when he learned English, but he spoke it fluently.”

In 1956, a turning point arrived for the Naito family. Hideo Naito had developed a strong bond with an American serviceman, Benedict, while in Japan. Benedict, who was stationed at Greenville Air Force Base in Mississippi, became a key figure in their decision to move to the United States.

Relying on this friendship, Hideo decided to relocate his entire family to the U.S. Benedict arranged visas for all four Naito family members, paid for their travel expenses, and even drove from Mississippi to San Francisco to personally pick them up. One can only imagine the distance and time it took for Benedict to make this journey—but he did it. Such a gesture was rare, a true testament to the depth of their friendship. Shunichi Naito reflects: “My father and Benedict must have had a truly special connection.”

At the time, only 185 visas were granted annually to Japanese immigrants, making entry into the U.S. extremely limited. Hideo, his wife Kaya, and their two sons, Shunichi and Yuji, secured four of these coveted slots. “We can never thank Benedict family enough. Even now, we still keep in touch. Some bonds last a lifetime.”

For the Naito family, this move was the moment that changed their future forever.

And so, the Naito family first settled in Mississippi. Ever the hard worker, Hideo wasted no time—on the day after their arrival, he went to a supermarket and found a job as a bag boy, diligently packing groceries for customers. Before long, he transitioned to working at an appliance store. His strong work ethic caught the attention of the store’s owner, Rosella, who was so impressed that he encouraged Hideo to pursue further education.

“I’ll cover your tuition—you should go to college and get an education,” Rosella told him. Taking this opportunity, Hideo studied management at Northwestern University while continuing to work. “I don’t know if my father ever earned a degree, but I remember how busy he was, constantly balancing work and school.” With unwavering determination, Hideo moved forward, driven by his love for his family and his unshakable ambition.

Benedict with the Naito family (from left: Kaya, Yuji, Shunichi, and Hideo)

The owner of the appliance store, Rosella, decided to open a new store in another town. While he took on the role of manager at the new location, he entrusted the original store to Hideo Naito.

At the time, Shunichi was around 11 or 12 years old. One day, he and his younger brother went to the local YMCA pool with two friends. However, when they tried to enter, the staff refused to let them in.
Only the two white friends were allowed inside. Although Shunichi had faced bullying before, this moment left a lasting scar—it was his first vivid experience with racial discrimination.

Heartbroken, he returned home in tears and told his parents, Hideo and Kaya, about what had happened. After discussing the incident, the couple made a firm decision: They would leave Mississippi and move to California, where racial discrimination was less prevalent. When Hideo informed Rosella of their decision, the store owner responded with full understanding: “I understand.”

The Naito family first settled in East Los Angeles. Once again, Hideo quickly found work—this time at an appliance store, where he took on appliance repair. His son, Shunichi, found it amusing: “He couldn’t even fix our own refrigerator!” Perhaps it was Hideo’s natural charisma that landed him jobs wherever he went.

Meanwhile, Shunichi enrolled at UCLA, balancing his studies with part-time work to pay for tuition. During his time at UCLA, Hideo was asked by an acquaintance to take over a restaurant called “Fuji Café.” Naturally, Shunichi helped out, working as a waiter, while Kaya took charge of the kitchen. “The location was terrible. If the location is bad, a business simply won’t succeed.” A few years later, they decided to sell the restaurant. It was a valuable lesson in the challenges of running a business.

One day, Hideo approached his son: “Shunichi, why don’t we start a business together?” Shunichi wasn’t interested in restaurants or retail, but he was interested in becoming a property owner. He had always wanted to build something of his own. To his surprise, money for their first real estate investment seemed to come together naturally. People readily offered loans, saying: “You can pay me back whenever—if it’s for Hideo, I have no problem lending it.” The first property that Hideo Naito and his team acquired was an office building.

Shunichi reflects on his father’s business philosophy: “My father never saw tenants as mere business partners—he considered them part of our community. He built strong relationships with them, always stepping in to help when they were in trouble. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, he supported many tenants by allowing them to delay rent payments when needed. Above all, he valued trust. That was his core principle.”

The real estate business was a family effort, led by Hideo, Shunichi, and Yuji (the younger brother), along with Koichi Umeda. Umeda, originally a UCLA language student, had met Shunichi through Kenpo (Japanese martial arts). Their first meeting with Hideo left a lasting impression—one that became a family legend. When Umeda first visited the Naito home, he sat on the couch. Without warning, Hideo leaned in close to Umeda’s face and let out a loud fart. Umeda burst into laughter. Hideo laughed too. The awkwardness vanished instantly. “My father had a great sense of humor. From that moment, Umeda became like family to us,” recalls Shunichi, as if it happened just yesterday.

At the Medal of Honor Ceremony

As their real estate ventures expanded, the Naito family acquired major properties, including the Redlands Mall, Santa Ana Towers, and the AARP Building. With Hideo Naito’s extensive network, they formed a partnership with Mitsui Real Estate Sales, further accelerating their growth.

One day, Hideo introduced Shunichi to a man named Jim Hirsen. “Who is he?” Shunichi asked. Hideo responded with confidence: “He’s someone you can trust—without a doubt.” Hideo had an exceptional ability to judge people, and Shunichi never questioned his father’s instincts. “If my father said someone was trustworthy, I believed him.” Today, Jim Hirsen is a co-owner of the real estate business and serves as Vice President.

Together, Hideo, Shunichi, Yuji, Koichi Umeda, and Jim Hirsen formed the core team, building their company from the ground up. Each played a crucial role—Hideo cultivated relationships, Shunichi closed deals, while Jim, Umeda, and Yuji strengthened operations. Their complementary strengths helped the business flourish. At its peak, the company owned over 100 office buildings and shopping malls.

Hideo never associated with people who were self-serving or solely driven by profit. Instead, he valued those who dedicated themselves to helping others—the kind of people he could trust as business partners. Shunichi reflects: “People naturally gravitated toward my father. He had an undeniable presence that drew others in—whether they were prominent figures, high-ranking officials, politicians, or professional athletes. Thanks to him, I had the chance to meet incredible individuals and work with outstanding business partners. My father had an extraordinary ability to read people.”

With baseball legend Hideo Nomo (Hideo Naito on the right)

With former Los Angeles Dodgers owner Peter O’Malley

“What my father built and left behind is something I will cherish and carry forward.

Two days before Hideo Naito passed away, Shunichi’s dog approached his bed and gently licked his face. That night, Hideo smiled as he drifted off to sleep.

On December 8, 2023, surrounded by his family, he peacefully took his last breath. His journey spanned 97 years. Yet, Shunichi does not describe his father’s passing as sorrowful. “We lived together for many years, worked side by side, and shared so much. And besides, I see him all the time in my dreams.” Hideo was a man who devoted himself to his family, his colleagues, and his community. He was always driven by a desire to help others. Throughout his life, he dedicated himself to fostering strong ties between Japan and the United States.


