JapanUp! is proudly pleased to introduce Japanese companies that liven up Anime Expo 2022 in Los Angeles! Before we celebrate the event in July, Let’s get to know well about the vendors and be ready for having an amazing time there!
JapanUp! Featured Japanese Brand #2 : BOOKOFF

BOOKOFF is one of the largest used bookstores in Japan and has a variety of book genres from education to anime. Currently, there are over 800 stores in Japan and you will find one easily if you visit Japan. Not only books but also DVDs and etc are sold and BOOKOFF buys your stuff that you don’t need anymore. there… Some people drop by the stores randomly and enjoy the moment of coming across what they want by chance!
BOOKOFF USA INC have 10 stores here and they are also doing reuse business to stimulate the local community and economy.
BOOKOFF will do…
BOOKOFF will have Figures, anime related goods at their booth(#2432, #2532) They import those items every month from Japan which their Japan stores get from buyback every day. Many of them are rarely on the markets here in the US.
Also, Mystery bag which is only available at the event. The mystery bags are usually sold out immediately at many events so for AX, they would bring some extra for some of you who have been looking for it 🙂 The contents in a bag will be a special edition for this event. Should be exciting!!

At Anime Expo, You can find and buy tons of different anime goods and figures and more. In other words, you can find something totally unexpected😉

You see your favorite character?

The goods you can find at their booth are hard to find or can’t be found at all here in US. It’s treasure hunting! What they sell is always different from each of their stores. At the stores, they have over 100,000 items and because they do a buyback, the inventory of items at the store is changing every day! That means you will always have a chance to find THE ONE at any locations, of course at AX as well:)
Messages from BOOKOFF
We get these anime goods from our over 800 Japan stores. However, of course we are doing buyback also here in the US. Please bring your items to our stores not only figures but also books, DVDs, games, and more!
Also, please check and follow us on social media like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok to get the latest information.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bookoffusainc/
Twitter: twitter.com/bookoffo
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bookoffusainc?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc