This game was introduced from China during the Nara period (710-794).
At that time, flints were used to play “Ishi-hajiki (stone kick)”.
Other varieties also existed with shells, pieces of glass…
It was first played and enjoyed mainly by the nobility of the imperial court.

It was during the Edo period (1603-1868) that the game began to be played by the population and especially girls, allowing them to play quietly in the house.
At the end of the Meiji era (1868-1912), glass balls appeared in a flattened form.
Currently it is about 12mm in diameter and red, blue, yellow in color.
Ohajiki is still a traditional game, loved by Japanese children, especially girls.
The game consists of pushing and touching by projecting his Ohajiki, by a movement of a finger on that of his opponent.

Once hit, he could recover both Ohajiki.
The winner is whoever has the most at the end of the game.
There are several variations to this game, this in the layout of the Ohajiki.
The first was to throw the pieces of glass pell-mell on the table…
Now you can arrange the Ohajiki in round, triangular or to make the game more intense, to win, you had to touch two pieces, etc…
At the end of the game, the pieces were counted…
Contrary to what one might think, in Japan, this game is played a lot with the family.
In retirement homes, it is used to awaken and create a social bond between residents, to stimulate everyone’s abilities…

Photo: Jacky, Internet
Writer: Jacky De Greef
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