- Cooked brown rice and white rice
- Yellow and Red pepper
- Nori seaweed
- Miniature peppers or tomatoes (optional)

1. Form a round rice ball with brown rice to create Santa’s face.

2. Place in a bento box. Cut the eyes from a piece of nori seaweed and apply.

3. Create Santa’s hat and beard using the white rice as shown.

4. Slice a red pepper into a triangle to create the middle piece of Santa’s hat. Use a cookie cutter and a slice of yellow pepper to create stars for decoration.

5. Apply these parts on Santa’s face. I used a miniature pepper for the nose, but you can use a mini tomato instead.cut off little pieces as shown.

Mayumi Johnston
Author of Japanese character bento blog, “Spice Up Your Life With a Taste of Japan” funbentobox.com. She has taught character bento classes at Whole Foods Market and Tokyo Central.