September 2022 (VOL.179)
Osu おす
Osu means “to push”
Nani shiteru no?
What are you doing?

Ge-mu no dengen botan wo oshiteru
I’m pushing power button of the game
kedo tsukanai.
but it doesn’t turn on.
Hoka no botan wa oshita?
Did you push other buttons?
Un, tameshita.
Yes, I tried.
Otouto ga san byou oshiteita yo.
My brother was pushing it for three seconds.

Tsuita! Arigatou!
It tuned on! Thank you!
You’re welcome.
to push | to push (Polite) | pushed | pushed (Polite) | is pushing | was pushing | can push | want to push | let’s push | have pushed (Present Progressive) | had pushed (Past Progressive) | push! | please push | |
Positive | osu | oshimasu | oshita | oshi mashita | oshite iru | oshite ita | oseru | oshitai | osou | oshita koto ga aru | oshita koto ga atta | ose! | oshite kudasai |
Negative | osanai | oshimasen | osanakatta | oshimasen deshita | oshite inai | oshite inakatta | osenai | oshitakunai | – | oshita koto ga nai | oshita koto ga nakatta | osuna! | osanaide kudasai |

Boku wo osanaide kudasai.
Don’t push me, please.

Botan ga takakute osenai.
I can’t push the button because it is high up.

Ojiisan wa ka-to wo oshite inai.
Grand-pa is not pushing a cart.

Erebe-ta- no botan wo oshimashita.
I pushed elevator button.

Shoppingu ka-to wo osu.
I push shopping cart.

Kinkyuu botan wo oshita koto ga aru.
I had pushed emergency button.